Analyze an investor's past trades along with trades from similar investors to select from overall recommendations available on the platform. Flytxt’s Sales Accelerator solution can recommend a precise list of stocks that investors are more likely to purchase.
Identify key milestones in the early life cycle of engaged or disengaged investors to effectively engage and educate while helping them achieve desired milestones with more relevant and personalised content.
Continuously analyze investors' individual financial data, goals, and risk tolerance to give executives insights into the services they will likely need, thereby maximising upsell and cross-sell opportunities
Continuously analyze and understand the investment patterns, predict the portfolio disengagement and churn among the investors to trigger timely actions to prevent churn, regularize investment renewals and improve retention rate.
Predict investor issues in real time during inbound interactions reducing customer effort and facilitate agents or bots to have meaningful conversations related to resolving SIP related queries or addressing other issues with actionable insights.