Leverage Digital Accelerator that can analyze onboarding data to identify the cohorts of users and non users and understand their app usage behavior patterns. It can help predict user journeys as well as track gaps in milestones to determine right interventions to sustain user engagement. Make use of Retention Accelerator to spot inactivity or silent churn signals and trigger actions to reactivate users or stop them from uninstalling the app.
With Digital Accelerator, understand user persona from their journeys and look-alike cohort analysis. Gain actionable insights from journey analytics to create smart alerts and nudges, driving users to explore more about your app features, and available services so as to improve engagement.
Use Sales Accelerator that can continuously analyze the user's subscription behavior, predict his needs and extend right products and offers over different touch points. Contextually relevant offers and interactions improve user experience and lead to higher sales conversions and average monthly revenue per user.